New Feature: Inventory METRC Reconciliation Sync

MJ Platform is proud to launch a time-saving measure for inventory and compliance between your internal system and METRC reporting.  

For back-of-house dispensary operators, consolidating inventory discrepancies between internal systems and METRC is tedious and time-consuming. That’s why MJ Platform developed a system to expedite consolidating discrepancies seamlessly with fewer clicks than ever before.  

The inventory reconciliation feature in MJ Platform compiles a list of all your active SKUs with discrepancies in MJ Platform and METRC and gives your team the full roster of items with discrepancies in either program.  This process takes just a few minutes, rather than an hour or hours it could take to look up and cross-reference.  



Once all the product discrepancies are identified, with the simple click of a button, your inventory associate can make manual adjustments to reflect the appropriate quantities all on one page. There’s no need to go back and forth anymore, and METRC adjustments and reasons are logged immediately.  

You’ll be able to get a full CSV report after all adjustments are made to track new quantities and share out what has been done to all appropriate parties. This feature takes hours out of the reconciliation process and keeps your operation compliant.  

For more on how this feature works, check out the MJ Platform support article on inventory sync.  

To see this time-saving compliance feature in action or to learn more about our innovative platform, connect with our cannabis experts for a live software demo. 

Compliance | Retail