How To Have The Terpene Talk

Cannabis consumers have come so far from calling all flower ‘kush’- the average cannabis consumer is typically at least familiar with the terms ‘indica’ and sativa’. A pre-roll isn’t just the ad that plays before your favorite podcast- it’s the more retail-appropriate version of a joint that’s made its’ way into the lexicon. A dab isn’t a horrible little dance; it’s a finely crafted cannabis extract known for featuring the fragrance of the originating flower. As the cannabis consumer evolves and becomes more educated, the next frontier of education is largely based on terpenes. Terpenes may feel more scientific than fun, but terpenes are truly the reason for the season when it comes to flower power.  

What is a Terpene?  

Terpenes, as a grossly overarching statement, drive the user’s experience when activated with THC. These components are also found in other naturally occurring botanical components- AKA terpenes are also found in flowers and other plants. Terpenes that are derived from plants like flowers and trees are called ‘botanically derived’ terpenes, while terpenes derived from cannabis are called ‘cannabis derived’ terpenes. Some cannabis products utilize botanically derived terpenes to add to the cannabis’s natural terpene profile and amplify the effects. Because terpenes are botanical properties, they also contribute largely to the aroma of the cannabis product. Products may smell more floral or musky or gassy or any number of things- and that is directly related to the terpenes. When terpenes are introduced to the human system, they elicit different responses and, paired with the psychoactive components of THC, drive the ‘high’ of consuming cannabis.  

What Do Terpenes Do?  

Some terpenes provide more relaxing effects, while others drive more focused or creative energy. One of the more common terpenes found in cannabis is myrcene. Myrcene is commonly found in fruits like mangos and creates a fruity fragrant aroma in flower. Myrcene also often delivers relaxing, calming effects in the user. We do want to note here that not everyone’s system accepts THC in positive ways, let alone terpenes. Terpenes affect everyone differently, so when we discuss how terpenes affect people, we speak largely in generalities. Myrcene is common in indica-leaning strains, along with linalool. Linalool is a terpene found commonly in lavender, and as you may imagine- it often has great calming effects that support sleep. On the opposite end of the spectrum, in more sativa-leaning strains, we have terpenes like limonene. Limonene is commonly found in lemon and other citrus fruits. This can give that ‘lemony fresh’ scent to cannabis products and can be seen as energizing and helps focus. Because of this, those ‘sour’ strains (Sour Diesel, for example) can be used for creative energy. Fun fact- Sour Diesel is Mike Tyson’s favorite strain!  

How Do We Get Terpene Information? 

A third-party laboratory must test all medicated cannabis products sold in the regulated market. This is done to ensure the product does not contain toxic levels of any contaminants or bacteria- basically confirming that the product is safe to sell. Within those lab results, there are often the top three to five terpenes listed either in a percentage or by MG / G. While not all states require terpene information to be displayed, you can go the extra mile and empower your shoppers with terpene information in displays. These terpenes can be found in different areas of reports based on state regulations and how the lab organizes its information, but it is often bucketed in with the THC and CBD percentages.  

How Do We Have the Terp Talk?  

Showing as much as ‘this strain is high in myrcene’ or ‘strain contains 4MG / G of linalool’ can create a conversation about terpenes with people who may not have realized how important terpenes are. Offering information about terpenes in-store, it will prompt shoppers to ask about terpenes. For more shy shoppers, this can also be an opportunity to train salesfloor staff to discuss terpenes with people when selecting products. Some people only shop for ‘indica’ strains, but really may not realize they’re just big linalool fans, and that’s what they should be looking for. Outside of calling out dominant terpenes in the actual flower display, some dispensaries have also included signage or art that shows the spectrum of terpenes and common effects. Showcasing flower and talking about terpenes on social media and emails can also be a great educational touchpoint.  

Put in the Effort for Terpene Education 

By positioning yourself at the forefront of cannabis education, you’re not only tailoring your customers to shop thoughtfully but also building positive brand value as an authority in the space. Education is a major factor for an industry that is still taking itself from taboo to household name. Terpenes may feel like a majorly scientific and intimidating area for people to investigate. Still, with additional effort on visual merchandising paired with a stellar sales staff, it can be a huge advantage for your dispensary. Being the most trusted retailer is an honest way to build your business. Secure your future by investing in education. If you need some guidance, our friends over at Leafly have an incredible amount of terpene education on their website.  

Continue the Conversation- Keep Talking Terps 

Don’t just stop at signage and social- if you can find additional areas to discuss terpenes, it will help you grow your customer base. Creating educational video content for social or even including terpene callouts in promotional materials expands the area of effect for terp talk. Creating pins that showcase different terpenes lets your customers show off their favorite terpenes and becomes a fun ‘if you know, you know’ moment between other cannabis users. Some activations have also included terpene-infused water to emphasize the natural flavor and aroma of terpenes. These were done, of course, with botanically derived terpenes, and nothing was medicated, but it was a great experiential way to showcase terpene profiles. Find creative ways to engage in terp talk throughout the year and keep your customers educated.  

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